Genetics are like cars.

The goal determines the cost.

For many growers, the price of seeds and clones can be shocking, especially if you're a beginner.

Since 2019, I've bought and sold $1000s of clones and seeds, and I can tell you from experience that genetic pricing is determined by your goals the same way car pricing is determined by your needs.

When you buy a car, there are two types of buyers:

  • A to B Buyers: These buyers need a vehicle to get from A to B. They're not looking to spend heavily for anything unnecessary.

  • Specific Shoppers: These buyers are looking for something special. They've accepted that they will pay more for not just any vehicle.

Genetics are the same way; there are two buyer types:

  • Plant Buyers: These growers are looking for physical plants. They have 6 pots, they need 6 seeds or 6 clones. Sure, they may have preferences, but above all, they need plants to fill their garden.

  • Genetic Hunters: These growers are on the hunt for harder to find or sought after options. And they understand they are paying a premium for that value.

When you first start driving, you don't need a 1 of 1 carbon fiber, fully tuned Formula 1 Race Car.

You need something with a steering wheel, engine, and gas. You need to learn to use turn signals and maintain your speed.

Similarly, in the grow, you don't need a cup-winning, 1 in a million hash rockstar genetic that's hard to obtain and (often) harder to keep in the stable; you just need plants that will grow without issue, and give you a taste for the process.

Price is determined by your goals.